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Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine(Electronic Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (06): 473-479. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6880.2024.06.006

• Original Articles • Previous Articles    

Efficacy analysis of endoscopic endonasal and microsurgical transcranial optic canal decompression for traumatic optic neuropathy

Hongxing Ye1, Yuehui Ma1, Chao Zhang1, Ping Lan1, Kaiyuan Huang1, Renya Zhan1, Xiujue Zheng1,()   

  1. 1.Department of Neurosurgery, the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, 310003, China
  • Received:2024-11-05 Online:2024-12-31 Published:2025-02-18
  • Contact: Xiujue Zheng



To evaluate the effectiveness of endoscopic endonasal optic canal decompression (EEOCD) and microsurgical transcranial optic canal decompression (MTOCD) in treating traumatic optic neuropathy (TON) and to explore the risk factors of postoperative visual non-improvement.


The clinical data of 47 TON patients who underwent surgery in the Department of Neurosurgery of the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine from August 2015 to July 2023 were retrospectively reviewed.Patients were divided into an EEOCD group (26 cases) and a MTOCD group (21 cases) based on the surgical approach.The baseline data, surgical duration, intraoperative blood loss, hospital stay, and postoperative visual recovery were compared between the two groups.Logistic regression was used to analyze risk factors for postoperative visual non-improvement in TON patients.


The EEOCD group had a shorter operation time [(136 ±13)min vs.(183±21)min, t=9.361, P <0.001], less intraoperative blood loss [(153 ±32)mL vs.(205 ±54)mL, t=4.112, P <0.001], and a shorter hospital stay [(7.9±1.5)days vs.(11.0±1.2)days, t=7.494, P <0.001] compared to the MTOCD group.The visual improvement rates were 57.7% (15 / 26) for the EEOCD group and 42.9% (9 / 21) for the MTOCD group, with no significant difference ( χ2 = 1.023, P = 0.312).Multivariate logistic regression identified a delay of more than seven days from injury to surgery as a risk factor for poor visual recovery in TON patients [odds ratio = 8.515, 95% confidence interval (1.647, 44.032), P=0.011].Other factors, including age, gender, orbital and optic canal fractures, ethmoid / sphenoid sinus hemorrhage, surgical approach, and optic nerve sheath fenestration, did not significantly correlate with visual outcomes (all P >0.05).


Endoscopic endonasal and microsurgical transcranial approaches are equally effective in improving visual acuity in TON patients.However, the endoscopic endonasal approach offers a distinct advantage in terms of minimal invasiveness.Early surgical intervention is important for TON patients who meet surgical indications.

Key words: Traumatic optic neuropathy, Optic canal decompression, Endoscopic endonasal optic canal decompression, Microsurgical transcranial optic canal decompression, Risk factors

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