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中华危重症医学杂志(电子版) ›› 2020, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (01) : 34 -38. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.1674-6880.2020.01.007

所属专题: 文献


徐珂莹1, 归崎峰1, 杨云梅1,()   
  1. 1. 310003 杭州,浙江大学医学院附属第一医院老年病科
  • 收稿日期:2019-10-29 出版日期:2020-02-01
  • 通信作者: 杨云梅
  • 基金资助:

Association of serum cystatin C and homocysteine with leukoaraiosis in elderly population

Keying Xu1, Qifeng Gui1, Yunmei Yang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Geratology, the First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, 310003 Hangzhou, China
  • Received:2019-10-29 Published:2020-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Yunmei Yang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Yang Yunmei, Email:

徐珂莹, 归崎峰, 杨云梅. 老年人群血清胱抑素C、同型半胱氨酸与脑白质疏松症的相关性研究[J/OL]. 中华危重症医学杂志(电子版), 2020, 13(01): 34-38.

Keying Xu, Qifeng Gui, Yunmei Yang. Association of serum cystatin C and homocysteine with leukoaraiosis in elderly population[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine(Electronic Edition), 2020, 13(01): 34-38.






正常组、轻度异常组、中度异常组及重度异常组老年患者年龄[(73 ± 6)、(72 ± 7)、(76 ± 6)、(79 ± 7)岁,F = 10.487,P < 0.001]、高血压病程[0(0,2)、4(0,16)、2(0,15)、10(0,15)年,H = 10.711,P = 0.013]、尿酸[(274 ± 74)、(294 ± 67)、(315 ± 64)、(343 ± 120)μmol/L,F = 3.964,P = 0.010]、胱抑素C[(0.96 ± 0.29)、(1.24 ± 0.32)、(1.42 ± 0.40)、(1.84 ± 0.65)mg/L,F = 23.025,P < 0.001]及同型半胱氨酸[(10.1 ± 2.3)、(11.4 ± 2.9)、(12.5 ± 2.7)、(18.0 ± 3.5)μmol/L,F = 39.271,P < 0.001]水平比较,差异均有统计学意义。进一步两两比较发现,重度异常组患者年龄较正常组、轻度异常组及中度异常组均显著增高(P均< 0.05);轻、重度异常组患者高血压病程均较正常组显著延长(P均< 0.05);轻度异常组患者胱抑素C水平较正常组显著升高(P < 0.05);中度异常组患者胱抑素C及同型半胱氨酸水平均较正常组显著升高(P均< 0.05);重度异常组患者胱抑素C及同型半胱氨酸水平均较正常组、轻度异常组及中度异常组显著升高(P均< 0.05);且重度异常组患者尿酸水平均较正常组和轻度异常组显著升高(P均< 0.05)。相关分析结果显示,年龄(r = 0.406,P < 0.001)、高血压病程(r = 0.263,P = 0.002)、尿酸(r = 0.293,P = 0.001)、胱抑素C(r = 0.588,P < 0.001)及同型半胱氨酸(r = 0.646,P < 0.001)均与脑白质疏松症具有相关性。Logistic回归分析显示年龄[比值比(OR)= 1.099,95%置信区间(CI)(1.030,1.168),P = 0.003]、胱抑素C [OR = 11.345,95%CI(3.725,34.549),P < 0.001]及同型半胱氨酸[OR = 1.438,95%CI(1.262,1.638),P < 0.001]均为影响脑白质疏松症严重程度的危险因素。




To investigate the association of serum cystatin C and homocysteine with leukoaraiosis in the elderly population to find reliable biomarkers.


Electronic medical records of 130 elderly patients admitted to the Department of Geratology of the First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University from November 2016 to September 2017 were collected. The general data (including age, gender, hypertension, and course of hypertension) and biochemical indicators (including triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, uric acid, cystatin C, and homocysteine) of all patients were recorded. Those 130 elderly patients were divided into a normal group (n = 31), a mildly abnormal group (n = 26), a moderately abnormal group (n = 32) and a severely abnormal group (n = 41) by a semi-quantitative method. The correlation among age, course of hypertension, uric acid, cystatin C, and homocysteine with the severity of leukoaraiosis was analyzed by Spearman correlation. Then age, course of hypertension, uric acid, cystatin C, and homocysteine were included in a Logistic multivariate regression model to analyze related factors affecting the severity of leukoaraiosis.


Age [(73 ± 6), (72 ± 7), (76 ± 6), (79 ± 7) years, F = 10.487, P < 0.001], course of hypertension [0 (0, 2), 4 (0, 16), 2 (0, 15), 10 (0, 15) years, H = 10.711, P = 0.013], uric acid [(274 ± 74), (294 ± 67), (315 ± 64), (343 ± 120) μmol/L, F = 3.964, P = 0.010], cystatin C [(0.96 ± 0.29), (1.24 ± 0.32), (1.42 ± 0.40), (1.84 ± 0.65) mg/L, F = 23.025, P = 0.001], and homocysteine [(10.1 ± 2.3), (11.4 ± 2.9), (12.5 ± 2.7), (18.0 ± 3.5) μmol/L, F = 39.271, P < 0.001] of elderly patients in normal, mildly abnormal, moderately abnormal and severely abnormal groups were statistically significantly different. In further pairwise comparisons, the age of patients in the severely abnormal group was significantly higher than that in normal, mildly abnormal and moderately abnormal groups (all P < 0.05), and the course of hypertension in mildly and severely abnormal groups was significantly longer than that in the normal group (both P < 0.05). The level of cystatin C in the mildly abnormal group was significantly higher than that in the normal group (P < 0.05). The levels of cystatin C and homocysteine were significantly higher in the moderately abnormal group than in the normal group (both P < 0.05) and those indicators were significantly higher in the severely abnormal group than in normal, mildly abnormal and moderately abnormal groups (all P < 0.05). Meanwhile, the uric acid level in the severely abnormal group was significantly higher than that in normal and mildly abnormal groups (both P < 0.05). Correlation analysis showed that age (r = 0.406, P < 0.001), course of hypertension (r = 0.263, P = 0.002), uric acid (r = 0.293, P = 0.001), cystatin C (r = 0.588, P < 0.001), and homocysteine (r = 0.646, P < 0.001) were associated with leukoaraiosis. Logistic regression analysis showed that age [odds ratio (OR) = 1.099, 95% confidence interval (CI) (1.030, 1.168), P = 0.003], cystatin C [OR = 11.345, 95%CI (3.725, 34.549), P < 0.001], and homocysteine [OR = 1.438, 95%CI (1.262, 1.638), P < 0.001] were related factors affecting the severity of leukoaraiosis.


Serum cystatin C and homocysteine may be risk factors for leukoaraiosis in elderly patients, which can be used to preliminarily evaluate its severity.

表1 4组老年患者一般资料比较[MP25P75)]
表2 4组老年患者血清学指标比较( ± s
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